Saturday, July 23, 2011

10 Weeks Remaining...

MOM's Email

:-) Yes I got your letter. The mail seems to get here super fast here. I got your letter on Saturday, even though you said you sent it on Thursday in your letter. That was pretty crazy. The same with the package, they both got here ridiculously fast...

It should be pretty cool to see all the changes to the house and every thing else there. It will be different, but all for the better.

Next week is the 4th of July! Woah! :P P-Days on holiday Mondays are a pain for missionaries, so we'll see what madness is in store for us next week. I can't complain, because I'll be getting a pancake breakfast next week. So I'll have some things to look forward to, but I may end up trying to look for some fireworks, but I'll see if that's permissible next week. We'll see how much the singles ward has changed since I was there. I got a feeling of immaturity when I was there, and that bugged me, but if Leah feels that it's good, then it may have improved.

Good luck with Leah and Jenna's Daycare idea. I hope that it is being successful.

It was fun to hear about the family cleaning day... :P I can understand more of where your coming from with that, because I've become more of an organized clean freak when it comes to the kitchen and my desk... so our house may end up staying cleaner when I get home.


DAD's Email

Mom, and my dear sisters are always very loved. They are all awesome. I hope that they do well with their daycare project. 

Is Leah preparing you guys for a 5k walk? or a 5k run? 5k walk isn't bad, Lake Johnson is more than 5k if I'm remembering my measurements right (~4mi > 5k)?. That could be fun. I'll have to prepare myself to see if I can jog it all. I heard from a member who's a professional runner that shin splints can come from several different sources, but that the main cause is usually the form that you walk. You can probably find out some more about it online. 

I really don't remember Falls Lake, but I would imagine that I've been there at least once... It'd be nice to go there again sometime.    

Mom let me know in here snail mail how much everyone enjoyed the card I sent you. :) I knew that it was the one when I found it last week.

Good luck with Japan Ben! you'll do great!

Welcome home Leah! Enjoy yourself.

Good luck at scout camp Joshua! Have fun! Earn lots of Merit Badges!



  1. Can you send pictures?  I'm trying to be more camera-picture-taking-minded but it's still a work in process. I'll send some pictures of me and some of the members soon.
  2. Did you get the pictures we sent?  I did get the pictures that were in the package. They were really nice. I can't believe how big Joshua's getting, and now that he's losing his blonde hair. :P Craazy! Jenna looked very nice for her Rose Prom pictures.
  3. Do you think you’ll get transferred? I wont know if I'm moving until mid-July, but my guess is that I'll stay here to finish off my mission. 
  4. How deep is your “gator” pool?  Our investigator is pool is decent, but there are a lot of people who we can only see once a week, or sometimes that we aren't able to contact on some weeks, so we're work hard on finding right now, but we've seen a LOT of miracles happening as a zone from that. So it's growing slowly, but it should be great!

This week has been awesome! There have been many spiritual experiences, and amazing people that are ready to change their lives and progress in the Gospel. My testimony continues to grow and be fortified through these experiences, and the the joy I feel seeing the love of our Savior in active motion working in the lives of these people. I know my Savior lives! I know that He loves me, and each and every single one of you! I know that He has a plan for us that will enable us to be happy, forever. Keep working hard, and do what is right!

Love your missionary,

Elder Richard Mackelprang

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