Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan 11 2010

Hello Family!

     Here's my highlights about my investigators this week.

     We’ve had good success with finding new investigators this week. The 4 people are Jose Tamayo, Luis, and Cecilia and Victor Buenrostro. Jose had a friend named Arturo who told him to come to church, and he has been coming to church for a few weeks now, but we haven’t been able to meet with him until this week. He’s a really intelligent man, and a keen student of the bible and the scriptures. I sat next to him during Sacrament meeting yesterday, and he was asking me about Alma and who he was and his story, and I gave a quick history behind Alma the elder and a little bit about alma the younger and showed him where he could read the conversion story of Alma the Younger. He read the entire chapter, and some of the chapters that were referenced during the talks during sacrament meeting 1 Nephi 11, and others. He’s someone who is prepared to be baptized really soon.

     Luis is a young man who is very inquisitive. He’s interested in learning about what everyone believes, but I’m not sure how deep his interest really is. If he follows through with the commitments I trust that the Holy Ghost will bear witness to him of the truthfulness of the Restoration. We’ll see if he follows through.

     Cecilia and Victor are a married couple (I’m sad to say that legal marriage is a rarity in many cases in the Latino culture here, so I’m excited when we meet people who are in truth married.), and they are searching for the truth for themselves (Elder Knowles and I were way excited to hear this, people who are searching are people who will usually follow through). We shared about the restoration with them, and they seemed to like and committed to reading and praying about the Book of Mormon. The only thing that might hamper them is that they drink coffee, but when they receive the testimony by the Holy Ghost that shouldn’t hamper them at all.

     Roberto and Paulina Perez are progressing, and we committed them to prepare for baptism when they receive their answer, so we’re excited and working hard with them. We taught them about the Plan of Salvation, and ended up talking about temples and how we can be in eternal families. I was hoping to invite them to come to the visitors center at the Oakland temple when we go this Wednesday, but they both have jobs during the week.

     We’re going to be teaching the Hernandez family about marriage, and it’s divine nature, because Isabel Hernandez has doubts about why you need a legal paper saying that you’re married. They are wonderful people and fact that they aren’t married is the one thing that is holding Daniel and Isabel from being baptized. We’re bringing Bro. Ruellas to the lesson to support us and testify of marriage.


Comments About Dad’s Email
     Sorry to hear about all of the house problems, but better now than later when it would be worse.

     About finals, girls, stressing about how hard they are and how unprepared you are for them is detrimental. Focus on studying, and remain calm. Stress will only wear you out faster, and will not help with your studying.

     I'm amazed that Joshua will be going to Buy Scout Camp this summer! Wow! It seems like yesterday that I was playing capture the flag with Greg, Erik, John, Ben, and the rest of the guys. You'll have lots of fun Josh! Watch out for the mosquitoes though.

     I talked to Leah about BYUI during our Christmas talk, but I kept telling her to look at BYU as well. Look at all of the options, benefits, and such of each college before you make too many plans.

     Alma is a cool book! It's one of my favorite in the Book of Mormon, and the funny thing is that in Spanish alma is the word for 'soul'. both literally and figuratively alma is the soul of the book of Mormon and has many many pieces of doctrine that we can pull from it, but I'm running out of time to talk a lot about it today... :P Read it for yourselves and think about it.

To answer your questions:

  1. (How has the weather been treating you?) The weather is cloudy/ moist / foggy/ cool, in other words nothing uncomfortable.
  2. (Do you often get invitations to members homes for dinner?) We ate at Bro Johnson's yesterday, we had smoked pork BBQ with salad and potatoes. It was good! The food calendar fluctuates between dinners every night, to none at all. It's a funny pattern.
  3. (Any news on the need for a bike?) Yes, I do need a bike, I'll be trying to get it in the next few weeks.
  4. (When does your branch have Stake Conference?) I'm not sure when it is.
  5. (Do you ever drive, or is your comp always the driver?) There are designated drivers for the entire transfer, so I haven't driven yet since I'm new.
  6. (Do you have any questions for John, Andrew, Greg, etc. that you'd like me to pass on?) - How is John in Mesa? Can I get his address? Apologize to Andrew for me about the confusion with the emails :( I wish I could email him too. and if you would remind me of the Everett's address so that I can put it in my address book.
  7. (Any specific food items you'd like in your next package (Pizza kit, cookie mix, etc.)?) - Cookie mixes sound great! I like the nuts and jerky as well. Hold back on the toyish stuff.

Your missionary,
Elder Mackelprang

     P.S. We're going to the temple this Wednesday!!! in Oakland!! Lots of pictures will be taken.

     P.P.S. Letters will be a few days late since Wednesday will be our actual P-day. Today was just for necessities. Love you all! Later!

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